Education Loan

Education loans have opened a pathway for numerous students to fulfill their aspirations. These are designed to finance students who choose to pursue higher education, both in India and abroad. Study loans are considered investments that contribute to economic growth and prosperity.

We, Educoupe, offer educational loans for both overseas and domestic studies at an affordable rate with a specialization in student financing/loan options. Educoupe assists students with the entire procedure, including eligibility criteria, bank selection, loan application, and documentation, and is a valuable service. Navigating the process of obtaining an education loan can sometimes be complex, so having assistance in these areas can be very helpful for students and their families.

Educoupe associates with Avanse Financial Services, which indicates a partnership with a reputable financial institution specializing in student financing. This partnership may provide students with a trusted and reliable source of financial support.

We do not charge any consultancy fees.

 Studying in India & Abroad  

India has established itself as an advanced education hub, offering a wide array of academic programs and opportunities. The introduction of new offers and scholarships, combined with Indias cultural richness and focus on quality education, make it an attractive destination for students seeking a holistic and rewarding learning experience.

You may need a finance company to pursue your new courses. Educoupe offers a 100% education finance option to support you throughout your academic journey in India. Our study loans are specifically designed to support your studies in India across a wide range of courses, including engineering, medical, law, management, hospitality, arts, and many more. 

Our education loan for studying abroad is meticulously designed to meet your specific requirements. It covers job-oriented professional and technical undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs such as MBBS, MCA, MBA, MS, and more, offered by prestigious colleges and universities.



Every educational institution, whether private or public, and whether it caters to primary, secondary, or higher education, has its own distinct set of requirements. Educoupe has collaborated with accredited educational institutes across India. This experience empowers us to offer valuable guidance for the growth and expansion of your institution.